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My Services



In addition to the below offered services, I am available for consultations as well as personal shopping.


* Consultations: $50 (for 1 hour)

* Personal Shopping: $50/hour

01 Home Visit


Sometimes the most stylish outfit is already hiding in your closet, and you just didn't know it! If you chose this service, I will come to your home and go through your closet with you. Together we will create 3 piles: keep, undecided, and toss (anything you choose to toss I will donate to charity). Once we have our keep pile, I will start to put some outfits together so that we can see if they fit you right, are still the look are looking to have, and I will take pictures of the outfits so that you have something to refer back to should you forget what we put together. Once we have a foundation laid out, then we will go over the undecided pile and ensure that they are not only still relevent, but that it works with those clothes that you have decided to keep.


Cost: $50.00 / Hour

02 Shopping Experience


This service is great for two reasons. If you are already happy with the clothes you currently have, but need just a couple of items to add to it, we can head out and shop for those items. If you feel that the current clothing you have is no longer the style you are looking for, we will put together a game plan of what you are looking for (either via Polyvore or Pinterest), and start shopping. With this service, you shop at your own pace and buy only what you can. In addition to the service, I will take pictures of what you decide not to purchase, but may decide to purchase later; so that once you are ready to buy them, I can send the pictures and clothing information to you.


Cost: $75.00 / Hour

03 Specific Needs


This service is ideal if you have a particular event coming up (i.e. wedding, interview, high school reunion, etc.) and you want to wear the latest look. We will meet for coffee (on me of course!), talk about the event, what kind of look you are looking for (we will utilize Polyvore or Pinterest), and then head out to find the perfect ensemble for you.



Cost: $75.00 / Hour

04 Please Help Me!


The idea behind this service is all about education. Educating you on different styles, different fabrics, different colors, and different uses for your new look. 


This service is ideal for anyone that is starting at square one and is not sure what works best for their body type, what colors look best for their skin tone, what look is most appropriate for your age, and what types of fabrics work well with your body and shape. It may not seem like a difficult thing to figure out, but I have seen my fair share of "fashion fouls" out there and it is a lot harder than it sounds!


With this service we will schedule a couple of different meetings. The first step is to go through your closet at home (please see Home Visit Service). Once we determine what you like and don't like, I will put together some ideas for you and we will meet for coffee and discuss what looks you like and which ones you don't. After we are aligned on what to start looking for,  we will head out and start pulling together some outfits (please see Shopping Experience Service above).  



Cost: $150.00 / Hour

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